Eight Romanian State Companies To Dismiss 3,545 Employees In 2010

Publicat: 15 02. 2010, 18:01
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:45

The state-owned companies subject to layoffs are pitcoal mining company CNH, with 1,600 dismissals, brown coal mining company SNLO (300 persons), power producer Termoelectrica (300 people), thermal power producers Turceni (250 persons) and Rovinari (200 people), nuclear activities company RAAN (95 persons), power producer Electrocentrale Bucuresti ELCEN (500 employees) and power producer Electrocentrale Deva, with 300 layoffs.

According to the ministry, the layoffs are necessary to reorganize the respective companies’ activity and to obtain a competitive price for coal, electricity and thermal power.

Last August, Economy Minister Adriean Videanu said that around 5,400 employees in the companies subordinated to the Economy Ministry will be dismissed until the end of 2009, after another 4,800 persons in the respective companies remained jobless as of January.