The draft is under debate until Feb 16. The draft, which amends government emergency decree 115/2004 regarding the wages of staff in the public healthcare system, introduces an average increase of 10% of base salaries in two stages.
Under the draft, base salaries of up to 640 lei (EUR1=RON3.9372) will be increased by 12.5% as of Mar 1 and another 12.5% as of Sept 1, 2009.
Wages of RON641 to RON750 will be increased 11.5% in March and another 11.5% in September, while wages of RON751 to RON850 will be increased 10.5% in March and 10.5% in September.
Wages of RON851 to RON950 will increase 9.5%, those of RON951 to RON1,100 will increase 8.5%, wages of RON1,101 to RON1,200 will increase 7.5%.
Wages of RON1,201 to RON1,400 will increase 7% , wages of RON1,401 to RON1,600 will increase 6.5%, wages of RON1,601 to RON1,800 will increase 6%, while wages of RON1,801 to RON4,700 will increase 5%.
The draft also stipulates a vacation bonus equal to the employee’s gross base salary, and loyalty bonuses in the second, third and fourth quarter of each year.