Vuitton Dismantles The Ad Covering Monument In Bucharest

Luxury luggage designer Louis Vuitton decided to dismantle the advertisement construction representing a copy of a Vuitton bag, which covers the Firefighter’s Monument in Bucharest. The company expressed regret that the mentioned coffer "offended certain groups of people."


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Vuitton Dismantles The Ad Covering Monument In Bucharest

According to the press release, the placement of the Louis Vuitton coffer was a bid to herald "in an original manner" the official opening of the first Louis Vuitton store in Romania.

Since 1854, the name Louis Vuitton is synonymous with traveling in style. Since the beginning, Vuitton offered customized luggage, adapted to each individual need.

To launch the first Romanian store held by the company, opened on June 4 within the Marriott Hotel in Bucharest, for several days, the Firefighter’s Monument has been covered by the replica of a Louis Vuitton case.

The placement of the coffer over the monument stirred a wave of reactions among authorities.

The Ministry of Culture and Cults announced, through a press release, that it regrets the authorization issued for the advertisement construction, and it intends to ban the placement of all commercials on historic monuments in Romania.

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