S Romania Court Sets Bails For Football Corruption Suspects

Publicat: 26 05. 2009, 13:17
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:21

The Arges Court set Tuesday the bails for Penescu, Facaleata and Constantin, as well as the date when their request for release on bail will be tried.

Thus, Penescu will have to pay RON200,000, while suspended Central Referee Committee president Gheorghe Constantin and Pic store manager Liviu Facaleata will have to pat RON15,000 each.

The requests for release on bail filed by Penescu and Facaleata will be tried by Arges Court magistrates Wednesday at 10.30 local time, while Constantin’s request will be tried Friday at 10.30 local time.

In the refereeing corruption trial, on April 14 anticorruption prosecutors arrested football club FC Arges financer Cornel Penescu, suspended Central Referee Committee president Gheorghe Constantin, PIC hypermarket general manager Liviu Facaleata, as well as the former director od the Arges County Consumer Protection Office, Cristian Libertatu. Cornel Penescu and Liviu Facaleata are charged with offering bribe, while Gheorghe Constantin and Cristian Libertatu are charged with taking bribe.

On May 11, the Arges Court decided to discontinue the arrest warrants, but anticorruption prosecutors appealed, and one day later the Pitesti Court of Appeals allowed the action, thus the defendants remained under arrest for at least 30 days.