Romanian Mayor Sentenced To 3 And 1/2 Years In Prison For Graft

Publicat: 27 01. 2010, 16:28
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:43

The court’s ruling is final.

The mayor was found guilty and convicted for bribe taking, while his deputy was convicted for accessory to bribe taking. The two have been under preventive arrest between July and November 2006 and were then tried at large.

The two local officials were also ordered to pay EUR5,000 to Constantin Popescu, who turned them in. The court also ruled to keep their assets impounded and ordered them to pay 1,500 lei (EUR1=RON4.1179) in legal expenses.

The mayor and deputy mayor were accused by anticorruption prosecutors of soliciting EUR50,000 from Popescu in 2006 to issue an urbanism certificate the latter required.