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Romanian Lower Chamber Adopts Bill On Day Labor

Romania's Chamber of Deputies adopted Tuesday a bill on day labor, with 158 votes for, 128 against and two abstentions, which says day laborers must pay a 16% income tax.
Romanian Lower Chamber Adopts Bill On Day Labor

The Social Democratic Party and Liberal Party opposed the bill, saying it produces uncontrollable negative effects on the labor market. Social democrat deputy Ioan Cindrea criticized it for not providing insurance and protective equipment for day laborers.

Democrat liberal deputy Claudia Boghicevici said that, according to the bill, a person may work as a day laborer for 90 days out of the year, receiving between 2 and 10 lei (EUR1=RON41276) per hour, and may have optional health insurance.

The bill says day laborers must be at least 16 years of age. They may not work longer than 12 hours per day (six hours in the case of minors). If the employer and laborer agree to a shorter working day, the worker must still be paid for the equivalent of at least eight hours of work.

According to the bill, the employer is required to pay the laborer at the end of every day and provide the necessary work and protective equipment. The laborer is responsible for paying the 16% tax on income.

Since the Chamber of Deputies is the deciding chamber for this bill, it has passed the Parliament and now requires the head of state’s signature to become law.