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IMF Experts To Assist Romanian Tax Authority In Checking High Wealth Individuals

A team of International Monetary Fund experts will conduct a technical mission at the headquarters of Romania’s tax authority ANAF between April 7 and 20, to help with indirect control methods and the check-up of individuals with high incomes, the tax authority said.
IMF Experts To Assist Romanian Tax Authority In Checking High Wealth Individuals
Valentin Vidu
10 apr. 2011, 14:43, English

„The IMF mission will take place in accordance with the commitments the Government undertook in the letter of intent agreed with the International Monetary Fund on March 10. The mission will monitor the implementation stages of the IMF’s recommendations from the review mission of January 24 – February 4, 2011,” the tax authority said in a press release Sunday.

Romania has committed in its letter of intent to the IMF to create a state office tasked with checking high net wealth individuals

The Government decided last year that individuals whose real income exceeds their declared income by at least 50,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.1146) will pay 16% of the difference as tax.

The Government has also approved the wealth control norms, which will be applied this year.