Prima pagină » English » Two Safes With 25 Kg Of Gold Stolen From Bucharest Shopping Center

Two Safes With 25 Kg Of Gold Stolen From Bucharest Shopping Center

Two safes containing about 25 kilograms of gold were stolen Wednesday night from two stores in a shopping center in Romania’s capital Bucharest, three weeks after police warned store owners had inefficient protection systems.
Two Safes With 25 Kg Of Gold Stolen From Bucharest Shopping Center
Oana Gavrila
02 dec. 2010, 10:25, English

Bucharest police spokesman Christian Ciocan told MEDIAFAX Thursday the break-in occurred around 3 a.m.. The stolen gold is worth nearly 700,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.2842), Ciocan said.

He added the store owners had been warned three weeks ago when a police check-up revealed their security measures were defective.

Ciocan also said the Bucharest police is considering calling for legislation harshening punishments for company owners who fail to provide appropriate security for their valuables.