We fully list the speech of president Klaus Iohannis at the beginning of the videoconference with the prime minister, the minister of Internal Affairs, the prefects and the heads of public institutions decentralized on the issue of COVID-19 epidemic management:
„We are in a rather complicated situation. For this reason, I have decided and decreed the state of emergency throughout the country for a period of 30 days.
The central authorities immediately began to work very intensely, to the maximum. You saw that I had already had a very important and very good video conference with the members of the Government, who are very involved in the measures we have decreed.
Yesterday the Government took very important and economic and social protection measures, in order to come to the support of Romanians first, but also in support of Romanian companies. And today, here, I summoned you to this meeting, because you, the prefects, the county leaders, are, if I can say so, our army in the territory, which must function perfectly, to make this state of urgency to work very well.
The state of emergency has been decreed to protect Romanians from the spread of this disease, from the spread of coronavirus infections, but at the same time, the state of emergency has been decreed to allow administrative measures, governmental measures, even legislative measures that make possible the containment, slowing the spread of this disease and, at the same time, allow the preservation of the economic life in Romania.
So, ladies and gentlemen, be very active! Do whatever is required and transmitted to you by the central authorities. Understand that the situation is not only complicated, the situation is serious.
It is up to us all how we go through this period. If we all do our job very well, we have a chance to get through a very difficult time.
You have certainly seen data from other European countries. We are not the only ones fighting this epidemic. It is, as they say, a pandemic. The whole world is in a serious situation.
But the Romanians are waiting for us to solve our problems for Romania and this I want to do.
This disease is a very atypical one and I tell you from the very beginning that we have, in Romania, according to statistics, today less than 300 confirmed cases. But we will have more cases. This is clear, experts tell us that the disease will continue to spread.
But let me say something about the experts, our doctors, the well-trained healthcare staff who are ready to deal with this epidemic. And here’s a special word for those in the public health departments. Please do your job with utmost seriousness, with maximum speed! And I say to those in hospitals: get ready all! It is very important that all hospitals are prepared for patients, even though, fortunately, today, when we speak, we still do not have many patients.
But if we look around, we can figure out the complicated situation in which others are and I’m telling you: I and the Government, and I think you, too, want to prevent the rapid spread of the disease at any cost. We do not want to get into a situation of deep crisis. It must be prevented! We must prevent the spread of this disease. We must slow the spread of this disease!
Here, of course, the doctors, the medical staff, play a very important role. I thank them for their work so far and I encourage them to do their job well beyond that.
But it also depends on the authorities. The authorities are ready, the central authorities and I am convinced that after this meeting also the authorities at the local level, in the counties, but also we, each, every Romanian must play his role correctly in these measures that we have ordered by decree on the emergency state.
Dear colleagues in the administration,
We must all convey important things to Romanians, not only about what the authorities do, but also what we expect them to do, respectively in this epidemic situation, what not to do.
We need to explain to people why they should not make unnecessary trips, they should not or even avoid, at almost any cost, direct contact, physical contact with other people.
Tell people, when they meet, not to shake hands, not to hug. It is best not to meet only where it is absolutely necessary. I know it is hard. We are a people with warm citizens, close citizens.
We want to be together. But this special situation demands, and all the experts, both in the country and abroad, tell us that if we want to slow the spread of the disease, we must avoid direct contact. On the other hand, it is important to go to work, where work cannot be done from home, and where it is compulsory to go, we must take care, do not shake hands, do not hug, stay at a reasonable distance, one meter, two meters from each other, when we are talking or working together.
These things must be repeated over and over again. Travel that may be delayed must be avoided. Of course, we must go to work, we must go to buy goods of strict necessity, we must buy food, but we must not make meetings that can be avoided. We don’t have to go to places that can be avoided. These things please transmit them to the people in your counties.
I want to say a word about Romanians from outside the borders, about Romanians from the diaspora. The Easter holidays are approaching. We must tell them with sadness, but also with sincerity, not to come home this year for the holidays. In Europe it is practically impossible to travel. It’s very, very complicated. And when they come to the country, however, according to the rules in force established by the experts, they must go directly into isolation or quarantine, on a case-by-case basis. And then what purpose would it be to get to quarantine or isolation for at least two weeks?
So, broadcast on all channels: Romanians outside our borders are dear to us. We want to see them, we would like to be together, but this year, these holidays we cannot be together. It’s sad, but we have to be honest in order not to create expectations that are not fulfilled.
You, each one in the directions you lead, you must be firm, you must be firm in the way you conduct the activity, but you must be firm and fair towards the colleagues you work with.
Who can work from home to work from home. Who must come to work to keep physical distance from each other. Create the necessary conditions for them to do their job in safe conditions.
It is very, very important to respect these rules that have been developed by the best experts in the world.
It is very important that we all understand the gravity of the situation, but at the same time, it is very important not to panic, not to fall into depression and to realize that it is up to us to slow the spread of this disease, it depends on each of us and every authority we run.
Please, everyone to do your job in an exemplary way, to comply with all the rules, to observe all the indications – obviously, the whole legislation, which is very special during this period.
The government, led by prime minister Ludovic Orban, has already set a very good example on how to work even under very complicated conditions. We already have a series of legislative acts issued by the emergency decree that come in support of the Romanians, as well as of the companies.
In these conditions, please be aware of the need for full involvement, in full compliance with the rules in force. It is important to keep in touch through this environment, as well as through video conferences.
But, very important, and here I want to conclude the first part of my intervention: esteemed colleagues, esteemed colleagues, it is a serious situation, it is a complicated situation, but we, the Romanians, have proved that if we are united, if we work together, we can get over any crisis.
I rely on you all to have a good time during this difficult time! Next, I ask the prime minister to say his declaration.
Thank you!”