Speaking at the Mediafax Talks about Romanian Tourism conference, Udrea said the winner will be selected once the National Council for Complaints Settlement (CNSC) makes a decision in the case.
Early May, the Tourism Ministry said it received 13 bids to set up a national tourism brand.
In June, the ministry shortlisted three consortia, namely SC TBWA Bucharest SRL – SC GFK Romania SRL; Saffron Brand Consultants SA – Brandient Consult SRL – Acacia Avenue Limited and THR, Asesores en Turismo, Hoteleria y Recreacion SA – Taylor Nelson Sofres SA.
However, four of the bidders who were rejected, Landor Associates, FutureBrand, BBDO Portugal and Brandient Consult SRL, challenged the selection, saying the eligibility criteria imposed by the Tourism Ministry were not observed.