Works On Targu Mures – Iasi Highway Might Start After 2012 – Transport Min
The works on the highway that will link central Transylvania to eastern Moldavia might start after 2010 and other projects will unfold meanwhile, Romanian Transport Minister Radu Berceanu said Tuesday during a visit to Sibiu, central Romania.
8 viewsWorks On Targu Mures – Iasi Highway Might Start After 2012 – Transport Min
Berceanu said the 308-kilometer highway project to link Targu Mures and Iasi is a difficult project, adding works might unfold first on one lane and then on the other.
Berceanu said the contract for the first part of the Brasov-Comarnic highway might be concluded these days, and others will soon follow.
"If we manage to sign the contract in the next ten days, immediately after that we will be able to launch a program for other concession contracts. This is a very complicated contract and I don't want to sign one similar to that with Bechtel," said Berceanu.
Berceanu added if the project is signed, the program including the Pitesti-Sibiu route, the Bucharest bypass road and other perspective projects such as the Targu Mures - Iasi highway will unfold.
Berceanu said mid-July during a visit to Iasi, northeastern Romania, the feasibility research for the highway that would link Transylvania and Moldavia would start in two or three weeks and a financial solution to unfold the project would be identified.
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