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Romanian Health Ministry To Axe 577 Hospital Interim Manager Positions

Romania’s Health Minister Cseke Attila Wednesday announced that 577 hospital interim manager positions would be terminated, bringing the total number to 1,492 from 2,069, and saving up more than 1 million lei (EUR1=RON4.1269) each month.
Romanian Health Ministry To Axe 577 Hospital Interim Manager Positions
24 feb. 2010, 13:37, English

The minister said many hospitals have a disproportionate number of managers compared to their size. „In a hospital with less than 400 beds, there can be six managers, and in one with more than 400 – ten managers and I mean Human Resources, IT and administrative managers. There are too many such positions and staff expenses are too high,” Minister Cseke said.

In the minister’s opinion, a hospital should have a general manager, a finance-accounting director, a medical director, a research-development director and, if it has a lot of beds, a nursing director.