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Flu Epidemic: Death Toll Reaches 63

Two men, aged 57 and 46, from Bucharest and Arges county, respectively, became the latest victims of Romania’s flu epidemic on Wednesday, according to the National Public Health Institute (INSP), bringing the death toll up to 63 for the flu season.
Flu Epidemic: Death Toll Reaches 63
Ionut Preda
31 ian. 2019, 19:56, English

INSP announced on Thursday that a man aged 57 from Bucharest, who was confirmed to have type A influenza, subtype (H1)pdm09 and a 46-year old man from Arges county, also confirmed with the same type and subtype of virus, both died on Wednesday.

Romania’s Health Ministry officially declared a flu epidemic on Wednesday, following three weeks in which the number of new cases surpassed initial expectations. The ministry instructed hospitals in this context to limit the access of visitors, especially in sections which posed high risks of infection.