Romanian MEP Denounces Attempt Attack By Unknown Assailant

Publicat: 31 05. 2008, 15:56
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 08:54

 “(…) I saw two men, one wearing white pants and a black T-shirt, the other one wearing black pants and T-shirt. The one in black crossed over the railroad and walked straight to me. I became scared and I got in my car. The man opened the car door and tried to stop me. I started the engine and I managed to escape. He threw stones at my car,” Ridzi said.

Ridzi said she managed to get away before her assailant could hurt her.

Nicolae Florin, the chief of Petrosani Police, could not be reached for comments at presstime.

Democrat-liberal Monica Iacob Ridzi became a member of the European Parliament after Romania’s accession to the EU in January 2007.

In January, Ridzi was appointed EP’s rapporteur on free movement of EU labor.