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Four Dead, Four Badly Injured In Truck-Hit Van In SE Romania

Four people died and other four were severely injured Friday evening, following a violent collision between a truck and a van on national road 22C, according to the latest information from Carmen Serbanescu, spokesperson of the local traffic police department in Constanta, southeastern Romania.
Four Dead, Four Badly Injured In Truck-Hit Van In SE Romania
12 feb. 2010, 19:43, English

Serbanescu said four people in the van, including the van’s driver, died on the spot, while the other four in the van, among which two severely injured, were taken to hospital.

According to Serbanescu, the truck, which was going to Constanta, lost control and crashed into the van after having smashed heavily a tire that fell off another lorry engaged in traffic. The violent impact caused the truck to get into the opposite lane and crash into the van transporting the driver and seven commuters.

Constanta hospital spokesperson, doctor Florian Stoian, said two of the four people injured in the crash were taken to the emergency room in serious condition and the other two were subject to multiple medical investigations.

Local inspectorate spokesperson Paula Anghel said all victims were riding in the van.

Investigators said the accident occurred in a heavily foggy area.