Ce scrie presa străină despre dosarul în care este implicat cumnatul premierului Victor Ponta

Mai multe publicaţii străine au relatat despre dosarul în care este implicat cumnatul premierului Victor Ponta, Iulian Herţanu.

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Ce scrie presa străină despre dosarul în care este implicat cumnatul premierului Victor Ponta

”Procurorii români îl investighează pe cumnatul premierului” este titlul materialului Reuters despre dosarul în care este implicat Iulian Herţanu.

”Procurorii anticorupţie români au început o investigaţie împotriva cumnatului premierului Victor Ponta, ca parte a unui caz mai amplu de fraudare de fonduri europene. Iulian Herţanu a fost acuzat de constituirea unui grup infracţional organizat şi fraudare a fondurilor europene într-un proiect de dezvoltare în judeţul Prahova.

Acesta este al doilea caz în care este implicată familia premierului. Anul trecut, procurorii au început o investigaţie într-o presupusă schemă cu restituiri de proprietăţi în care este implicat socrul lui Victor Ponta, Ilie Sârbu, o figură puternică în PSD şi senator din 2004.”, scrie Reuters.

România a aderat la Uniunea Europeană în 2007 dar rămâne unul dintre cele mai corupte state ale alianţei, conform Transparency International, sistemul său judiciar fiind atent monitorizat, adaugă agenţia.

Novinite.com scrie că ”o rudă a premierului român a fost reţinută pentru fraudare de fonduri europene”. Conform site-ului, cumnatul premierului şi doi oameni de afaceri au fost reţinuţi pentru suspiciuni de fraudă cu prejudiciu de 7 milioane de lei din fonduri europene. Site-ul menţionează că în dosar sunt cercetaţi şi deputatul Sebastian Ghiță, preşedintele CJ Prahova Mircea Cosma şi deputatul Vlad Cosma.

Subiectul anchetei în cazul cumnatului lui Victor Ponta a mai fost relatat de Euronews şi Channel News Asia.

The brother-in-law of Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta was detained by the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) on Tuesday on suspicions of corruption and defrauding EU funds.

Iulian Hertanu was detained along with two other businessmen after waiting for 17 hours at the DNA headquarters in Ploiesti, AGERPRES news agency reports.

The DNA prosecutors detained the three on suspicions of committing the crimes in the period 2011-2015.

According to sources, the corruption deeds in question concern the defrauding of RON 7 M from EU funds and tax evasion amounting to RON 2.5 M.

The funds were allocated for the repair of the sewage system in the small town of Comarnic in the Prahova valley.

The firms that had to conduct the works, allegedly siphoned off 54 % of the funds and used them for other purposes.

The main contractor on the project was the Grossman Engineering Group, whose manager is Ponta's brother-in-law Iulian Hertanu.

- See more at: http://www.novinite.com/articles/166628/Romanian+PM%27s+Relative+Detained+on+Suspicions+of+Defrauding+EU+Funds#sthash.ryEz9SPE.dpuf

The brother-in-law of Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta was detained by the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) on Tuesday on suspicions of corruption and defrauding EU funds.

Iulian Hertanu was detained along with two other businessmen after waiting for 17 hours at the DNA headquarters in Ploiesti, AGERPRES news agency reports.

The DNA prosecutors detained the three on suspicions of committing the crimes in the period 2011-2015.

According to sources, the corruption deeds in question concern the defrauding of RON 7 M from EU funds and tax evasion amounting to RON 2.5 M.

The funds were allocated for the repair of the sewage system in the small town of Comarnic in the Prahova valley.

The firms that had to conduct the works, allegedly siphoned off 54 % of the funds and used them for other purposes.

The main contractor on the project was the Grossman Engineering Group, whose manager is Ponta's brother-in-law Iulian Hertanu.

The MPs Sebastian Ghita and Vlad Cosma and the President of the Prahova County Mircea Cosma are also being investigated in the same case and are facing judicial review.

- See more at: http://www.novinite.com/articles/166628/Romanian+PM%27s+Relative+Detained+on+Suspicions+of+Defrauding+EU+Funds#sthash.ryEz9SPE.dpuf

The brother-in-law of Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta was detained by the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) on Tuesday on suspicions of corruption and defrauding EU funds.

Iulian Hertanu was detained along with two other businessmen after waiting for 17 hours at the DNA headquarters in Ploiesti, AGERPRES news agency reports.

The DNA prosecutors detained the three on suspicions of committing the crimes in the period 2011-2015.

According to sources, the corruption deeds in question concern the defrauding of RON 7 M from EU funds and tax evasion amounting to RON 2.5 M.

The funds were allocated for the repair of the sewage system in the small town of Comarnic in the Prahova valley.

The firms that had to conduct the works, allegedly siphoned off 54 % of the funds and used them for other purposes.

The main contractor on the project was the Grossman Engineering Group, whose manager is Ponta's brother-in-law Iulian Hertanu.

The MPs Sebastian Ghita and Vlad Cosma and the President of the Prahova County Mircea Cosma are also being investigated in the same case and are facing judicial review.

- See more at: http://www.novinite.com/articles/166628/Romanian+PM%27s+Relative+Detained+on+Suspicions+of+Defrauding+EU+Funds#sthash.ryEz9SPE.dpuf


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