Mii de persoane au demonstrat în aproximativ 20 de oraşe americane, fiind nemulţumiţi de politicile lui Donald Trump şi declaraţiile oficiale ale acestuia.
În New York, sute de participanţi la aceste demonstraţii au scandat în apropierea hotelului Trump International.
Organizatorii manifestaţiilor din New York au declarat că se opun agendei politice a lui Donald Trump.
Ziua Preşedinţilor este denumirea neoficială a unei sărbători dedicată zilelor de naştere ale lui George Washington şi Abraham Lincoln, foşti preşedinţi ai SUA.
Thousands gather at #PresidentsDay „Not My President” anti-@realDonaldTrump rally outside @TrumpChicago #Chicago #notmypresidentsday pic.twitter.com/jRPJOsiVRC
— Joshua Mellin (@JoshuaMellin) February 20, 2017
Thousands of libs filling the streets of DC.
RT ? if you want them to be deported!#NotMyPresidentsDay pic.twitter.com/fgfNKDWFmc— Texas Lone Star (@SouthLoneStar) February 21, 2017
President’s Day Sale: Everything Must Go! ??? #NOTMYPRESIDENTSDAY pic.twitter.com/4CwyjDPNDE
— Ryan Knight (@the_ryan_knight) February 21, 2017
Tens of thousands of protesters today, all for you Trumpy.
Illegitimate & un-presidented. pic.twitter.com/HmBja61ORU— The Anti-Trump (@IMPL0RABLE) February 21, 2017
Thousands & thousands of people all over the country are saying #NotMyPresident right now. TRUMP NEEDS TO BE IMPEACHED! #NotMyPresidentsDay pic.twitter.com/X3gpDs0aS8
— #RemoveTrump (@France4Hillary) February 20, 2017