S-a sinucis după ce a luat un medicament contra acneei! Ce le scrisese părinţilor în ultimul său email

Un tânăr de 24 de ani s-a sinucis după ce a urmat un timp îndelungat un tratament contra acneei. Înainte de a muri, el le-a scris părinţilor un email, pe care nu a apucat să îl termine.

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Imaginea articolului S-a sinucis după ce a luat un medicament contra acneei! Ce le scrisese părinţilor în ultimul său email

Talented musician Jesse Jones never finished his last email. The poignant message, found by police days before the 24-year-old’s body was discovered at the foot of a cliff in Swanage, Dorset, is testament to his belief that a drug used to treat acne had blighted his life.

‘Dear Mum and Dad, Roaccutane seems to have changed the way my mind and body works in a big way. I can barely bring myself to type its name because I hate it so much.’

Eloquently cataloguing the physical and mental symptoms  he suffered, Jesse’s despair is highlighted when he reveals: ‘Anything to do with the opposite sex isn’t psychologically appealing. I used to have to try and stop myself from thinking about girls all of the time; now, I could hardly care less.’

Jesse had been out with friends in Swanage when he went missing. CCTV footage shows him in the town centre, but what happened after that is unclear. His body was found five days later on February 25, 2011.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2234470/Roaccutane-effects-Warning-father-Jesse-Jones-talented-musician-commited-suicide.html#ixzz2CagrcEaQ
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Talented musician Jesse Jones never finished his last email. The poignant message, found by police days before the 24-year-old’s body was discovered at the foot of a cliff in Swanage, Dorset, is testament to his belief that a drug used to treat acne had blighted his life.

‘Dear Mum and Dad, Roaccutane seems to have changed the way my mind and body works in a big way. I can barely bring myself to type its name because I hate it so much.’

Eloquently cataloguing the physical and mental symptoms  he suffered, Jesse’s despair is highlighted when he reveals: ‘Anything to do with the opposite sex isn’t psychologically appealing. I used to have to try and stop myself from thinking about girls all of the time; now, I could hardly care less.’

Jesse had been out with friends in Swanage when he went missing. CCTV footage shows him in the town centre, but what happened after that is unclear. His body was found five days later on February 25, 2011.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2234470/Roaccutane-effects-Warning-father-Jesse-Jones-talented-musician-commited-suicide.html#ixzz2CagrcEaQ
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Muzicianul Jesse Jones a urmat, încă de la vârsta de 18 ani, un tratament contra acneei, bazat pe medicamentul Roaccutane, relatează dailymail.co.uk.

După ce a luat timp de şase luni Roaccutane, Jesse Jones a scăpat de acnee, dar aceasta i-a revenit în anul 2009, motiv pentru care a continuat să ia acel medicament.

"Dragă mamă şi dragă tată, Roaccutane pare să fi schimbat considerabil modul în care corpul şi mintea mea funcţionează. Abia reuşesc să îi scriu numele pentru că îl urăsc foarte tare", le transmitea tânărul părinţilor în ultimul său email, pe care nu a mai apucat să îl trimită, şi care a fost găsit de Poliţie.

Părinţii săi, Derek şi Patsy, ambii în vârstă de 59 de ani, se învinovăţesc acum pentru pierderea fiului lor, după ce au aflat de email-ul acestuia. Ei nu au avut niciodată idee că Jesse a urmat această "cură minune" împotriva acneei.

Deşi compania care produce medicamentul, Roche, a infirmat efectele sale secundare negative, există persoane care susţin că Roaccutane produce depresie şi că duce la impotenţă şi în cele din urmă la sinucidere.

Roche se confruntă cu numeroase procese în Statele Unite din pricina Roaccutane.

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