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Replici celebre din filme (Video)

"Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship","I'll be back", "May the Force be with you", "Show me the money!", "Well, nobody's perfect" sunt doar câteva din replicile celebre care au marcat istoria filmului, dar mai ales publicul spectator.
05 mart. 2009, 13:02, Life-Inedit

1. "Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn" din Gone with the Wind

2. "I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse" din The Godfather

3. "Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore" din The Wizard of Oz

4. "Here’s looking at you, kid" din Casablanca

5. "Go ahead, make my day" din Sudden Impact

6. "May the Force be with you" din Star Wars

7. "You talking to me?" din Taxi Driver

8. "E.T. phone home" din E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial

9. "Rosebud…" from Citizen Kane

10. "Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship" din Casablanca

11. "Bond. James Bond" din Dr. No

12. "There’s no place like home!" din The Wizard of Oz

13. "Show me the money!" din Jerry Maguire

14. "You can’t handle the truth!" din A Few Good Men

15. "After all, tomorrow is another day!" din Gone With the Wind

16. "I’ll have what she’s having" din When Harry Met Sally

17. "I’ll be back" din The Terminator

18. "Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth" din Pride of the Yankees

19. "We rob banks" din Bonnie and Clyde

20. "We’ll always have Paris" din Casablanca

21. "I see dead people" din The Sixth Sense

22. "Well, nobody’s perfect" din Some Like It Hot

23. "It’s alive! It’s alive!" din Frankenstein

24. "Houston, we have a problem" din Apollo 13

25. "Run Forrest Run" din Forrest Gump

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