Astronautul Andrew J. Feustel a arătat, la întoarcerea pe Pământ, cum arată procesul de reînvăţare a gravitaţiei. Americanul a stat şase luni pe Staţia Spaţială Internaţională. La capătul misiunii sale, Feustel a dezvăluit cât de dur şi de îndelungat este procesul de reobişnuire cu mersul pe Pământ.
As geophysicists, @Astro_Alex and I would like to thank all geoscientists around the world for the important work that they do to better scientifically understand our home for its’ inhabitants. We hope that some of you aspire to heights greater than ours on @Space_Station.
— A.J. (Drew) Feustel (@Astro_Feustel) October 2, 2018
Welcome home #SoyuzMS09 ! On October 5th this is what I looked like walking heel-toe eyes closed after 197 days on @Space_Station during the Field Test experiment…I hope the newly returned crew feels a lot better. Video credit @IndiraFeustel
— A.J. (Drew) Feustel (@Astro_Feustel) December 20, 2018