ANAF Revenues 1.3% Higher YoY In January-March, 2% Lower Than Planned

The revenues collected by Romanian tax authority ANAF in January–March are 1.3% higher compared with the year-earlier period, but 2% lower (RON1.1 billion) compared with the planned amount, Bogdan Stan, ANAF head said Thursday.

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Imaginea articolului ANAF Revenues 1.3% Higher YoY In January-March, 2% Lower Than Planned

ANAF Revenues 1.3% Higher YoY In January-March, 2% Lower Than Planned

"The revenues collected by ANAF are lower by RON1.1 billion compared with the program reported by the Finance Ministry. This represents 98% of the planned amount," Stan said.

On Thursday, ANAF head attended a meeting with Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu and the representatives of the Finance Ministry and Romania’s prognosis commission CNP.

"Following the talks with the PM on March 3, we undertook a set of 14 measures for implementation by April 15. We have finalized them today. (…) We believe that the measures would increase the conformation and declaration degree, thus we could reach our targets in terms of planned amounts," ANAF head said.

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