Liberal Party Sets National Bureau Meeting For January 28 To Discuss MEP Election Lists

Romania’s Liberal Party (PNL) will hold a meeting of its National Political Bureau on January 28 to discuss its lists for the upcoming MEP elections, party chairman Ludovic Orban announced on Tuesday.

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Liberal Party Sets National Bureau Meeting For January 28 To Discuss MEP Election Lists

The liberals will decide on their final election lists during the meeting, with 49 candidates entering the race. The party’s strategy for the upcoming parliamentary session and its lawmaking priorities will also be discussed during the event.

Among the candidates running for spots on the election lists are former party chairman Crin Antonescu, former party co-leader Vasile Blaga and current European People’s Party (EPP) spokesman Siegfried Muresan.

Orban also announced that the meeting will also be attended by EPP secretary-general Antonio Lopez, who will take part at the party’s debate for preparing its electoral campaign for the MEP elections.

The MEP elections are scheduled to take place in May.

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