A huge scandal inside PC after the election of the new leader

What appeared, in the beginning, to be a “modest” congress, turned yesterday, after the final results of the vote for the new leadership of the party were revealed, into an event without precedent in the history of party congresses in Romania. The 13 votes which separated Daniela Popa from Florin Anghel made the supporters of the counter – candidate to dispute the results of the yesterday vote, and they asked even for the organisation of the second round. It seems obvious that the election of Daniela Popa as PC leader divided the Conservatives into two parts.

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Outgoing PC leader Dan Voiculescu was elected with a total majority as the Founder President of the party, a new position for which there were no counter-candidates. Ex economy minister Codrut Seres was elected secretary general of the party. The new leadership of the Conservatives includes no less than 31 vice-presidents. Regarded as the great “defeated” one in these elections, Florin Anghel ranked the second, with 557 votes in favour and 655 against, and Sabin Cutas came third, who only managed a more than modest score, 85 votes in favour and 1127 against.

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