Basescu opposes Melescanu’s replacement from MoD, turns down snap elections idea

According to a news release signed by Valeriu Turcan and posted on the Presidential Administration homepage, the President says he has received no nomination for the Justice Minister vacancy, and that the Premier has initiated no consultation with the Head of State as regards the appointment of a new Justice Minister. “President Traian Basescu is willing to work with the Prime Minister to identify a solution for the Justice Ministry, in full compliance with the Constitution and Constitutional Court rulings,” the release reads.

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However, the Head of State implicitly states that he disagrees with the transfer of Teodor Melescanu from the Defence to the Justice Ministry, and his argument in this respect is that such a move is ill-timed given the forthcoming NATO Summit. “The President of Romania believes that statements (…) regarding the replacement of the Minister of Defence generate confusion domestically and at an international level, and affects the credibility of Romania in the context of ongoing preparations for the organisation of the NATO Summit in Bucharest,” which in Basescu’s opinion “requires the utmost responsibility on the part of all public institutions and, at the same time, on the part of all political forces,” explains the Presidency release.

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