BNR Governor vows RON will recover, national currency hits 3.7619/EUR

The national currency depreciated strongly yesterday against the Euro, rising to RON 3.7619, up 4.17 bani over the previous day and reaching a new maximum of the last three years. This level has not been reached since January 28, 2005, when the Euro was rated at RON 3.7723. Thus, if at the debut of the interbank session of yesterday the rate was RON 3.7500/EUR, in the first two hours the exchange rate rose to a maximum of RON 3.7910-3.7960/EUR, while at 13.18 h. the quotations returned to RON 3.7535-3.7570/EUR.

1 afișare
The Governor of the National Bank of Romania (BNR), Mugur Isarescu, declared yesterday on the occasion of the presentation of the revised variant of the “National Durable Development Strategy,” that the central bank manages with difficulty to attract the excess of liquidity from the monetary market, resulted after the important budgetary expenditures from the last two months of the past year. In this situation, according to Isarescu, BNR could opt even for two sterilization operations per day, “which must be regarded in dynamics, not in an immediate and direct correlation with the evolutions of the rate.”

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