BOR Patriarch Daniel – number one personality of 2007

In a festive atmosphere, “Nine O’Clock” offered yesterday evening, in a ceremony held at Athenee Palace Hilton Hotel from Bucharest, the “Men of the Year 2007” awards. The event, which is at its 17th edition, was attended by leaders of some political formations, ministers, MPs, bank presidents, well-known foreign and Romanian businessmen, heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Romania, cultural and artistic personalities, journalists.

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Imaginea articolului BOR Patriarch Daniel – number one personality of 2007

BOR Patriarch Daniel – number one personality of 2007

Further to hot debates which close right on the day of the event, the director of our daily, Radu Bogdan, handed over the statues and diplomas to the personalities designated as “Men of the Year 2007.” A unanimous appreciation enjoyed the decision of the jury to grant the title of number one personality of the year to His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church.

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