Crin Antonescu and Ludovic Orban, the new PNL leaders

Crin Antonescu was elected president of the Liberals, defeating Calin Popescu Tariceanu, while Ludovic Orban gets the newly created position of first vice president. The guard of the vice presidents: Tariceanu’s men replaced by Antonescu’s supporters.

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Crin Antonescu obtained 873 votes, while his counter-candidate, Calin Popescu Tariceanu, vas voted in by only 546 of the delegates to the Liberals’ congress.In the second echelon of the party, the Liberals Cristian Anghel, Varujan Vosganian, Norica Nicolai, Dan Radu Rusanu, Relu Fenechiu, Romeo Stavarache and Vlad Moisescu were elected by the extraordinary congress vice presidents of the new BPC of PNL, the great loser of this vote being Teodor Melescanu, classified on the 15th place, and remaining in this way a simple substitute member in the Central Political Bureau (BPC).

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