Daniel – the new Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church

The Metropolitan Bishop of Moldavia and Bucovina, His Beatitude Daniel, last night was elected as the sixth Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, after a second voting round, with 88 votes, according to Mediafax. He won against his contender in the second round, the Metropolitan Bishop of Cluj, His Beatitude Bartolomeu Anania who gathered 61 votes, as reported by Realitatea TV. The third candidate, the Bishop of Covasna and Harghita, whose candidacy had actually been the surprise of the day, was put out of the race in the first round when he had only gathered 18 votes. Also in the first round, Daniel gathered 80 votes and Bartolomeu 62.

1 afișare
His Holiness Daniel is 56 years old and he is seen as a leader of the reforming wing of the Romanian Orthodox Church, the representative of the modernist-ecumenical wave. Daniel has distinguished himself through acts of charity.

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