Former Agriculture Minister Ioan Muresan, held by DNA

Bucharest Court started yesterday hearing procedures in Muresan file, on grounds of having intermediated bribery between a businessman and an “official of the Romanian State”. According to legal sources, the respective official might be the cu

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Ioan Avram Muresan was held, during the night of Saturday to Sunday, for 24 hours, by the prosecutors of National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA). The reason is, according to DNA, complicity in the corruption infringements, undertook one month ago. “Based on the evidence so far presented by prosecutors, it resulted that in September 2007, Muresan may have facilitated the conveyance of the promise along with the supply of products worth RON 1,500 and the amount of EUR 15,000, from the defendant Gheorghe Ciorba, to an official of the Romanian State, for the latter to play favourites in relation to the companies owned by the businessman, during the public tenders organized by public institutions reporting to the official”, according to DNA press release.

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