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Only PSD and PC attend talks initiated by Liberals
Opposition agreed to have more coherent common stances and to stop fighting each other. PSD sends ultimatum to PNL: stop anti-PSD and anti-Ponta statements!
![Imaginea articolului Only PSD and PC attend talks initiated by Liberals](https://storage0.dms.mpinteractiv.ro/media/1/1/4747/7723104/1/nine.jpg?width=560)
Only PSD and PC attend talks initiated by Liberals
Despite recent frictions between PNL and PSD, they were the only parties together with the Conservatives that attended the consultations initiated yesterday by the Liberals, after the Democrat-Liberals announced over the weekend that they won't come, while UDMR canceled its participation in the last moment.
Citeste toata stirea pe www.nineoclock.ro
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