Pensions to account for 80 pc of the salary when the payments from the private funds begin

The private pension funds from Romania will reach, at the time of the first payments, i.e. 20 years later, a capitalization of at least EUR 20 bln, declared yesterday, in a seminar on economic issues organized by Ziarul Financiar, the minister of economy and finances, Varujan Vosganian.

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“It is not known whether the Romanian capital market will have the possibility to offer investment opportunities for these amounts,” said Vosganian. According to the same, the average pension will account for 55 per cent of the net average salary on January 1, 2008, but at the time when the payments from the private pension funds begin the ratio will rise to at least 80 per cent. “If in 2020 the net average salary exceeds EUR 1,000, we can say that at that time we shall not have any longer the present situation, of endangered everyday life of the pensioners,” said Vosganian.

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