PNL, PD-L, PSD heat up for local elections, political fight

Liberals Orban and Vosganian - supported as candidates for mayor in Bucharest, Iasi. PD-L presses on uninominal voting system and local elections, hits at Liberal Gov’t on car registration tax. PSD leader Mircea Geoana, seems to have changed opinion on Adrian Nastase’s possible return to an important position in the party ahead of tough electoral year.

1 afișare
The PNL Political Bureau held during the weekend, in Brasov, agreed in principle that May 25 will be the date of the elections for the mayors, date with which all the parties allegedly agree. On another hand, certain names that PNL wants to launch in the race for the locals were announced.The PD-L leaders have announced the completion of the text of the regular motion titled ‘Abrogate vehicle registration tax.’

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