PSD has four compulsory conditions for ‘any dialogue partner’

The PSD Leader Mircea Geoana denied yesterday the rumours that appeared in the press, saying that the Social-Democrats would be willing to give up the debate on the censure motion, whether a series of portfolios from the present Cabinet would be offered to the party, or as a result of a Cabinet reshuffling. Questioned whether he intends to pose these conditions to Liberals or Democrats, Mircea Geoana showed that the responsibility for creating a new government belongs to the President of Romania and the Parties of the Parliament. “If we will be requested to make a new government, we will not hesitate in making it”, he added.

1 afișare
“For PSD, as a representative of four million electors at the latest polls, we have some compulsory conditions for every dialogue partner regarding a new Government, a new budget and a new governing plan”, Mircea Geoana, the president of the Party, declared yesterday. These are: the increase of pensions on November 1, 2007, the reintroduction of subvensions in agriculture, the allocation of 7 pc of the GDP for Education, the growth of wages of teachers and allowances for young mothers, and finding resouces for medication.

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