Romania does not get rid of nature’s rage

Last weekend, Romania was under the orange code, entire areas being affected by storms and floods. Yesterday, the orange code was lifted, but the authorities issued a yellow code for 29 counties, valid until today at noon, cautioning over the risks of flashfloods on the slopes, and the growth of the flow of the rivers. The meteorologists give us however good news, saying that the precipitations are decreasing and the weather improves starting on Wednesday. The yellow code hydrological warning was issued for the prefectures of the following counties: Maramures, Satu Mare, Bistrita Nasaud, Salaj, Bihor, Cluj, Arad, Alba, Hunedoara, Timis, Caras-Severin, Mehedinti, Gorj, Dolj, Valcea, Olt, Arges, Dambovita, Prahova, Mures, Sibiu, Harghita, Brasov, Covasna, Suceava, Neamt, Bacau, Vrancea, and Buzau.

1 afișare
Nature broke into a rage especially in the West of the country, making three victims. In Gorj county, further to a storm, a young man was hit by the lightning on a field close to Targu Jiu, while a woman died drowned, taken off by the waters. In Mehedinti County, a person died hit by the lightning.

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