Romania under the siege of orange code

The hydrologists warn about the risk for floods in twelve counties. The strong wind and the torrential rains already play havoc in several counties. A young man was stricken by the lightning, while a child was injured by a tree which fell over him.

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Romania under the siege of orange code

The storms struck on Tuesday evening several localities from the South-West of the country. In Mehedinti County, a child aged 13 was injured by a tree thrown down by the wind.
According to the Spokesman of Mehedinti Emergency Inspectorate (ISU), Lt. Liviu Boruga, the boy was carried to the hospital from Drobeta Turnu Severin. “We were asked on Tuesday evening to intervene in five cases, in one of them to free a child from a tree which had fallen over him. The boy arrived at the hospital with the broken femur and a slight concussion, being admitted to the surgical section of Drobeta Turnu Severin County Hospital,” stated Boruga.

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