Romanians to vote on Sunday in EP elections, Referendum on uninominal vote

The electoral campaign for EP, and the one for the introduction of the uninominal vote come to an end today, at 24.00 h. If in regard to the referendum, the Romanians are called for the second time to ballot this year, the EP elections are organised for the first time here. The sociologists are sceptical about the vote turn-out. A BCS opinion poll released yesterday points to a higher presence at the referendum (52 per cent) than at the EP elections (41 per cent). On the last but one day of the campaign, the political war between the two palaces has intensified.

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Today marks the end of the election campaign for the European Parliament, a campaign that started on October 26. Thirteen parties and an independent candidate – Reformed Bishop Laszlo Tokes – have entered the race for the European Parliament. Over 18 million Romanians are expected to cast their votes on November 25 in order to elect Romania’s 35 representatives in the European Parliament but also to say whether they agree or not with the uninominal voting system.

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