Rompetrol shares go up following polymerized bitumen row

Businessman Dinu Patriciu is the main beneficiary of the decision of the authorities to use more expensive materials for the rehabilitation of the roads.

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Rompetrol shares go up following polymerized bitumen row

The fresh row triggered by the decision of the authorities to use polymerized bitumen for the roads repairs had a positive consequence on the shares of Group Rompetrol Rafinare listed with the Bucharest Stock Exchange, Money Channel informs. The polymerized bitumen is produced by Vega Refinery part of Rompetrol Group.Prior to Rompetrol Boss press conference yesterday, Rompetrol Rafinare (RRC) titles went up after 12.00 h by 2.8 per cent at the quotation of 11 bani, after the depreciation of 3.5 per cent. Rompetrol Well Services also gained almost six per cent at the maximum of the day of RON 1.52, while the titles of Vega Refinery rose spectacularly by almost 17 per cent.

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