Shock and terror in Italy, embarrassment in Romania

A Roma immigrant of Romanian origin had raped, beaten up and discarded into a ditch the wife of a high-ranking officer in the Italian army. The Government in Rome, meeting in emergency regime last night, adopted an act allowing the expulsion of EU citizen

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Yesterday afternoon, a 47-year old lady - reported to be the wife of an Italian admiral – was found in the Tor di Quinto area of Rome, having been abducted from nearby her home, raped in a barrack and discarded into a ditch by a Romanian national or Roma ethnicity, afterwards identified by the Italian Police with the help of an eye-witness who had seen him dragging the victim. Transported to the Sant’ Andre Hospital in the Capital City of Italy in very serious condition, according to a press release of the hospital quoted by the Italian ANSA agency, yesterday afternoon she was in a coma, with poor brain activity and with minimum chances of survival.

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