Traian Basescu contests uninominal vote law to Constitutional Court

The Head of State has challenged an article that provisions the introduction of the supplementary list at national level, says the Government has assumed responsibility in Parliament for an incomplete law. In reply, the political parties accuse Basescu of stalling. The President has also criticized the uninominal vote project filed by ‘Pro Democracy,’ saying that the political clientele will survive in case the project is applied. And that is because the project would lead to a Parliament that lacks credibility because it observes the 50 per cent plus 1 vote principle - the fundamental principle of the majority uninominal vote.

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While engaged in the electoral campaign that promotes Sunday’s Presidential Referendum on the modification of the electoral system, the Head of State has announced yesterday in Timisoara that he has petitioned the Court in the context in which the deadline for the promulgation of the law on which the Government assumed responsibility on October 29 is set to expire the day after the election, on November 26. In the petition filed to the Constitutional Court, he argues that the provisions of the law disregard ‘the vote’s direct character’ as guaranteed by the Constitution and that the persons included on the national list proposed by each electoral competitor could win the MP mandate without the constituents voting the list.

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