Ukrainian President vows Bystroye Canal works will continue

No breakthrough in talks between Presidents Traian Basescu and Viktor Yushchenko on sensitive bilateral issues. A common monitorisation on all the projects developed in the Danube Delta will be carried out. Romania and Ukraine share the same position regarding the Transdniester conflict.

1 afișare
Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, who is officially visiting Romania, has attended yesterday, in Bucharest, the first plenary session of the Joint Presidential Romanian-Ukrainian Commission, founded after his 2005 visit especially for solving bilateral divergencies. Although Romania and Ukraine share the same position regarding the Transdniester conflict, as both approve the restart of the negotiation process, yet, the controversial problem of the works related to the Bystroye Canal was, according to the President of Ukraine, the major subject of the discussions that took place yesterday.

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