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Fotbalista canadiană, Rebecca Quinn a anunţat că e transgender

Fotbalista canadiană, Rebecca Quinn a anunţat că e transgender
Serban Picu
10 sept. 2020, 12:59, Sport

Fotbalista canadiană, Rebecca Quinn, a anunţat că este transgender. Într-o postare pe Instagram, fotbalista de 25 de ani a scris „Să recunoşti cine eşti de fapt e greu (şi cam aiurea). Pentru mine ştiu că e ceva ce o să tot fac în viaţă. Am trăit deschis ca o persoană transexuală faţă de apropiaţii mei, dar mereu m-am întrebat când o să fac public acest lucru.”  

Rebecca Quinn va participa la Jocurile Olimpice de la Tokyo alături de naţionala de fotbal feminin a Canadei.

Coming out is HARD ( and kinda bs). I know for me it’s something I’ll be doing over again for the rest of my life. As I’ve lived as an openly trans person with the people I love most for many years, I did always wonder when I’d come out publicly. Instagram is a weird space. I wanted to encapsulate the feelings I had towards my trans identity in one post but that’s really not why anyone is on here, including myself. So INSTEAD I want to be visible to queer folx who don’t see people like them on their feed. I know it saved my life years ago. I want to challenge cis folks ( if you don’t know what cis means, that’s probably you!!!) to be better allies. It’s a process, and i know it won’t be perfect, but if I can encourage you to start then it’s something. 1) put your pronouns in your bio 2) follow/ listen to other trans/nb voices ( @janetmock , @ashleemariepreston , @alokvmenon to name a few :)) 3) practice using gender neutral pronouns with friends/ in a mirror 4) vote 5) start to catch yourself making assumptions about people in public/ bathrooms/ any space

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Sep 8, 2020 at 1:03pm PDT