Sorana Cîrstea a fost deranjată de noile reguli de carantinare de la Montreal. Organizatorii primului turneu de Mare Şlem al anului le-au schimbat din mers.
În urma criticilor australienilor care nu pot intra în ţară, organizatorii au modificat programul. De la cele 5 ore zilnice promise jucătorilor pentru antrenament şi refacere, acum ei sunt ţinuţi în camere toată ziua. Într-un tweet, Sorana spune că i-ar plăcea să stea 14 zile în pat, uitându-se la seriale. Doar că nu ştie cum va juca apoi la un nivel înalt.
Condiţiile la Melbourne nu sunt dintre cele mai reuşite. Yulia Putintseva a filmat cum se plimbă un şoricel prin cameră. Ea a cerut să i se schimbe camera, dar fiind condiţii stricte de carantină, nu a venit nimeni sa o ajute.
I agree…if they would have told us this rule before i would not play Australia…I would have stayed home. They told us we would fly at 20% capacity, in sections and we would be a close contact ONLY if my team or cohort tests positive .
— Sorana Cirstea (@sorana_cirstea) January 16, 2021
I would need at least 3 weeks after in order to be in decent form again and compete at a high level!
— Sorana Cirstea (@sorana_cirstea) January 16, 2021
I was planning to play the tournament because they promised daily 5 h quarantine exemption where we could go practice,do a gym session and rehab.this was the deal before signing up to this…but the rules changed „overnight”!
— Sorana Cirstea (@sorana_cirstea) January 16, 2021
People complaining we are entitled. I have no issues to stay 14 days in the room watching netflix. Believe me this is a dream come true, holiday even. What we cant do is COMPETE after we have stayed 14 days on a couch. This is the issue,not the quarantine rule.
— Sorana Cirstea (@sorana_cirstea) January 16, 2021
Been trying to change the room for a 2 hours already ! And no one came to help due to quarantine situation??♀️
— Yulia Putintseva (@PutintsevaYulia) January 16, 2021