UPDATE – Potrivit BBC, un pilot al cursei EasyJet a făcut o întoarcere la 360 de grade pentru a oferi pasagerilor o privelişte uimitoare a aurorelor boreale.
Avionul călătorea din Islanda către Manchester, în timp ce aurora boreale luminau cerul din Marea Britanie.
Aurora borealis lights up the night sky over Lake McDonald in Glacier National Park last night #mtwx pic.twitter.com/wxn1HHLDpH
— Casey Kreider (@caseykreider_) February 27, 2023
More Aurora Borealis dancing in sky here in Wolastoqiyik Territory ? pic.twitter.com/GOZnbsBlKG
— ?? CJ tha DJ ✊?? (@therealcjthadj) February 27, 2023
Azi-noapte s-a văzut Aurora Sângerie.#bloodred #aurora #borealis #red
?Adrien Mauduit pic.twitter.com/g1wuoaPh00— robin (@robinsimion) February 28, 2023
Amazing aurora moments ago in Varmahlíð, Iceland. pic.twitter.com/A8POfZqfp8
— Darin Deveau (@darin_deveauWX) February 27, 2023
The Northern Lights over Stonehenge tonight ??❤️??#Aurora #auroraborealis #northernlights #stonehenge #stars #astro #OMG #beautiful pic.twitter.com/tU03Z1TsDD
— drhafezster (@drhafezster) February 27, 2023
#Polarlichter in Stralsund,MV gegen 22 Uhr. #Auroraborealis pic.twitter.com/xJGf2JVMBY
— Bjarne Prien??? (@bjarneprien) February 27, 2023
UNREAL colours this morning at Alix, Alberta!!?? Feb27th.#TeamTanner #aurora #auroraborealis@treetanner @mikesobel pic.twitter.com/MZG3xbpcdK
— Dar Tanner (@dartanner) February 27, 2023
WOW. I never thought I would get to see the Northern Lights this far south in the UK, here in Dorset! What an incredible display at Knowlton Church tonight, absolutely unforgettable. #aurorauk #northernlights #aurora #auroraborealis #northernlightsuk #dorset pic.twitter.com/9mPfp5ITxt
— Robin Goodlad Photo (@Robin_Goodlad) February 28, 2023