Prinţul Charles şi-a luat soţia la braţ şi au mers să admire frumuseţea comunităţii locale. Ei s-au plimbat pe o stradă principală din sudul Londrei unde au salutat copiii, părinţii şi au vorbit cu deţinătorii afacerilor din regiune.
Turul a inclus o vizită la un restaurant cu stele Michelin, un teatru, o florărie şi chiar un magazin de animale de companie. Ducesa de Cornwall a fost încântată de căldura cu care a fost salutată, şi chiar a primit un buchet de flori. Iar Prinţul Charles şi-a arătat bucuria pentru revenirea la normalitate şi a închinat o bere în cinstea măsurilor de relxare.
Head over to @ClarenceHouse for more from today’s visit.
— The Royal Family (@RoyalFamily) May 27, 2021
The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall are given a tour of Clapham Old Town, hearing about what the high street has to offer.
Starting at the @OmnibusTheatre, which is housed in a converted Victorian library, TRH meet theatre staff and hear about upcoming plans.
— The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall (@ClarenceHouse) May 27, 2021
To celebrate the local high street and recognise its value to the local community, The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall are today visiting Clapham Old Town.
— The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall (@ClarenceHouse) May 27, 2021
In Clapham, Their Royal Highnesses first visit @TrinityLondon restaurant to mark the 40th anniversary of the Royal Academy of Culinary Arts, of which The Prince is Patron.
Trinity is run by chef Adam Byatt, who studied as a @AcadCulArts apprentice.
— The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall (@ClarenceHouse) May 27, 2021