Cântăreaţa Feli vrea o schimbare de mentalitate cu “Hainele şi carnea”, o piesă pentru 18+ | VIDEO

Cântăreaţa Feli vorbeşte despre o schimbare de mentalitate cu “Hainele şi carnea”, o pereche de compoziţii lansate în weekend, pentru un public care a depăşit vârsta de 18 ani, arată un comunicat remis MEDIAFAX.

Romania Confirms 18th Swine Flu Case

The Romanian Ministry of Health confirmed Thursday a new case of AH1N1 flu, the eighteenth so far.

Romania’s UDMR Proposes Voting Rights For 16-Year Olds

The Democratic Union of Magyars in Romania proposed the reduction of the minimum voting age from 18 to 16, and the minimum required age for administration positions from 21 to 20. Both initiatives will be up for public debate during the electoral campaign, said UDMR Executive President Kelemen Hunor