Primul an în Uniunea Europeană, preşedinte suspendat, referendum şi scandal politic Începutul anului îi găseşte pe premierul Tăriceanu şi pe comisarul european pentru extindere Olli Rehn în stradă salutând aderarea României la Uniunea Europeană, la spectacolul de Revelion din Piaţa Revoluţiei. Preşedintele Traian Băsescu salută aderarea la UE tot în stradă, deschizând o sticlă de […]

Romania Received EU Funds Worth EUR1.6B In ’07- Report

Romania accessed in the previous year European funds worth EUR1.602 billion, with EUR315.4 million in compensations, and had a contribution of EUR930.9 million to the EU budget, according to the financial report issued by the EU.

Romanian Forest Fund Up 0.9% To 6.48M Ha In ‘07

Romanian forest fund totaled 6.48 million hectares in 2007, up 0.9% from a year before, mostly due to the transfer of some wooded grazing lands into the forest fund, the National Statistical Institute, or INS, said Friday.

Romania’s ’07 Budget Deficit Sixth In EU – Eurostat

Romania ranked sixth in the European Union with respect for the budget deficit registered in 2007, with 2.5% of the GDP, while government spending in another 15 community states overtook income, according to data presented Friday by European statistics office Eurostat.

Romanian 07 GDP +6% On Yr Vs +7.9% Yr Ago

Romania’s 2007 gross domestic product growth slowed to 6% on the year in real terms, compared with a revised 7.9% a year before, the National Statistical Institute, or INS, said Tuesday.

PIB a crescut, în 2007, cu 6%

Produsul Intern Brut al României a urcat anul trecut la 404,7 miliarde lei, după un avans mai puternic în ultimul trimestru, cu 6,6%, iar creşterea economică din 2007 s-a plasat la 6%, cu 1,9 puncte sub nivelul consemnat în 2006, de 7,9%, potrivit datelor Institutului Naţional de Statistică.

Romania 2007 Curr Acct Gap Widens 66.1% YY

Romania's current account deficit widened 66.1% on the year in 2007 to EUR16.87 billion, mainly due to a larger trade deficit, central bank preliminary data showed Thursday.

Romania 2007 Trade Gap Widens To EUR21.5B

Romania's trade deficit widened roughly 44.4% in 2007 to EUR21.5 billion from EUR14.89 billion in 2006, driven by higher imports from European Union states, the National Institute for Statistics said Monday.

Romania’s ’07 Year-End CPI Exceeds Ctrl Bk Target, Ends At 6.57%

Romania’s consumer price index exceeded the central bank’s target band of 3-5% in 2007, accelerating to 6.57% at the end of December, due to a significant growth in food prices and services, the National Institute for Statistics said Friday.

FOCUS: Anul 2007 – bogat în muzică live pe scenele din România

Anul 2007 a reprezentat pentru mulţi o surpriză în ceea ce priveşte trupele şi artiştii străini care au concertat la noi. Două festivaluri internaţionale doar în Bucureşti, plus numeroase concerte susţinute de trupe cu nume de legendă, au făcut din anul ce aproape a trecut unul care a sunat bine.