
Actori celebri au filmat pentru scurtmetrajele realizate la TV & Film Academy by Ruxandra Ion

Tinerii care au participat la Şcoala de Vară "Act Smart Short Films" de la TV & Film Academy by Ruxandra Ion au avut şansa să-şi valorifice aptitudinile artistice şi să joace alături de actori celebri în scurtmetraje produse şi regizate de ei, potrivit unui comunicat remis MEDIAFAX.

Romanian President Declines Honorary Scientists Academy Title

Romanian President Traian Basescu Friday declined the honorary title offered by the Academy of Scientists in Romania (AOSR) saying it is his job to promulgate laws and he shouldn’t be rewarded with academic titles for it.

Romanian Parliament Bans Use Of ‘Academy’ Or ‘Authority’ In Association, Foundation Names

Romanian deputies decided Tuesday that future associations or foundations will be forbidden to use denominations that include words such as "commissariat", "inspectorate", "guard", "academy", "authority", "council", "agency" or their derivatives.

Eugene Ionesco, Emil Cioran – Named Post Mortem Members Of Romanian Academy

Playwright Eugene Ionesco and philosopher Emil Cioran have been made post mortem members of the Romanian Academy, Academy vice-president Marius Sala said Thursday.

Constantin Balaceanu-Stolnici Quits Romanian Academy Activity

Romanian Academy honorary member Constantin Balaceanu-Stolnici quit his activity at the Academy on Tuesday, Academy president Ionel Haiduc told MEDIAFAX.

President Traian Basescu Attends Ceremony In SE Romania

Romanian President Traian Basescu attended Saturday morning, in Constanta town, southeastern Romania, the event celebrating 135 years since the "Mircea cel Batran" Naval Academy was founded.