
Romanian President: Country’s Adoption Law Will Not Change During My Term

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Thursday in Brussels that the country’s law on adoptions will not change, “at least” not during his term, regardless of the lobby in favor of change made “in Brussels and elsewhere.”

Romanian Draft Amendment To Provide Adjustment Leave And Stipend For Adopting Parent

The adopter or one of the adopting parents may opt between three months adjustment leave and a monthly 800 lei (EUR1=RON4.2171) stipend, or a quarter reduction in work hours, with the same salary, covered entirely by the employer, according to a proposed amendment to the Romanian law on adoptions.

Romanian Govt Does Not Support Memo On Reopening International Adoption

The memorandum put forward by the Romanian Adoption Office (ORA), asking for the reopening of international adoptions, is this institution’s point of view, which is not shared by the Emil Boc Cabinet, the Romanian Government announced Friday.

EXCLUSIVE: International Adoptions Banned Only In Theory, Italians Adopt Romanian Children

Two Romanian children were adopted in Italy at the beginning of the year and Romanian authorities say Italian authorities refused to provide any information on these cases although they breached Romanian laws that ban adoption of Romanian children by foreigners.