
Cazul Academia Infractorilor: Membrii reţelei foloseau un limbaj codificat. Liderul era „Dragă Tata”, un milion era „baston”, iar telefoane – „sârme”

Membrii reţelei "Academia Infractorilor" foloseau un limbaj codificat pentru a asigura confidenţialitatea comunicaţiilor, astfel că pentru un milion foloseau termenul "baston", telefoanele erau "sârme", iar liderul grupării era denumit în scrisorile membrilor reţelei "Dragă Tata", potrivit DIICOT.

Romanian Airline Op Blue Air To Add New Local Bucharest-Arad Flights

Romanian airline operator Blue Air will increase, on May 1, the frequency of flights on the route Bucharest-Arad, from five to six flights per week, due to an increase in demand on this destination, the company announced Friday.

Formaţia AIR concertează la Sala Polivalentă

Concertul pe care formaţia AIR îl va susţine la Bucureşti pe 11 februarie 2010, anunţat, luna trecută, pe site-ul ei oficial, va avea loc la Sala Polivalentă din Capitală, informează organizatorul evenimentului, compania One Event.

French Band AIR To Perform In Bucharest On February 11, 2010

French electronic pop duo AIR, famous for electronic plays "Kelly Watch the Stars" and "Cherry Blossom Girl," will perform in capital city Bucharest on February 11, 2010 to further promote their new album "Love 2" released in Japan, on 30 September 2009, and worldwide in the first week of October.

Romanian Airline Operator Blue Air Abandons Suceava Airport Routes

The president of the Suceava County Council (NE Romania), Gheorghe Flutur, said he held talks with several companies that would take over the flights already formed on the Suceava Airport, following airline operator Blue Air’s announcement that come September 16 it will stop using this airport.

Romanian Low Cost Airliner Blue Air Negotiates Acquisition Of 10 Boeing 737 Airships

Romanian low-cost airliner Blue Air is negotiating the acquisition of ten Boeing 737 Next Generation airships, whose costs might exceed $1 billion based on their catalog value, the company announced Friday.

Air Bucharest Transport Aerian To Start Operating In March ‘09

The owners of tourism agencies Kusadasi and Fibula Air Travel, the spouses Yapici, will expand their business by founding an air transport company for passengers, after an investment of some EUR6 million.

Air concertează la Bucureşti (Video)

Grupul francez Air va susţine un concert la Bucureşti, pe 19 septembrie, potrivit listei de turneu postată pe pagina MySpace a trupei, show-ul din Capitală urmând să fie primul din segmentul de închidere a turneului "Pocket Symphony".

AXN Takes “Suicidal Squirrels” Off The Air

TV network AXN will take controversial “Suicidal Squirrels” cartoon off the air, Steven White, General Manager for Central Europe with AXN network said Tuesday in the meeting with the Romanian audio-visual watchdog CNA.