
Romania’s Finance Ministry Amends Bank Tax This Week

Romania's finance ministry will finish this week a draft of changes to the emergency decree 114/2018 that introduced a tax on bank assets and raised capital requirements for mandatory private pension funds.

Supreme Court President Demands Clarifications On Justice Laws Amendment Bill

Parliament should send back the justice laws amendments bill to the justice ministry for clarifications on the bill’s legal framework, Romanian High Court of Cassation and Justice President Cristina Tarcea said Thursday.

Romanian Govt Approves 6/24 Amendments To Unitary Wage Law

Romania’s Government has approved six out of 24 amendments submitted by lawmakers to the unitary wage bill for the public sector, for which the Government plans to seek a confidence vote in Parliament Tuesday.

Romanian Govt Meets Monday To Discuss MPs’ Amendments To Wage Law

Romania’s Government holds a Cabinet meeting Monday to discuss amendments brought by lawmakers to the unitary wage law, for which the Executive plans to seek a confidence vote Tuesday.

Romania’s Govt Rejects All Amendments To Draft Laws On Austerity Measures

Romania’s Government rejected all amendments to the draft laws for which it will seek a vote of confidence in Parliament on Monday, and preserved the austerity plan that cuts pensions and state employees’ wages and eliminates luxury pensions, Government spokeswoman Ioana Muntean said Saturday.

Romania’s Leftist Opposition Pushes To Get Its Rejected Amendments Back On Pension Bill

Senators of Romania’s leftist Social Democratic Party, in opposition, said they would uphold in plenary all amendments to the pension bill that the Senate’s committee for labor rejected Wednesday.

Romanian Deputies To Debate Draft Lustration Law On April 13 – Chamber Of Deputies Speaker

Romanian Chamber of Deputies Speaker Roberta Anastase said Tuesday debates to adopt the country’s lustration law will be held on April 13 when all amendments to the draft law will be analyzed.

Romania Lower Chamber Enacts Decree Allowing Law Amendments Before Laws Come Into Force

Romania’s Chamber of Deputies Wednesday enacted a government emergency decree allowing for amendments, improvements or even invalidations of laws between the time they are published in the country’s Official Journal and the time they are to come into force.

Romania’s Ruling Party Lawmakers To Amend Pension Law In Parliament

Lawmakers of Romania’s ruling Democratic Liberal Party will uphold amendments brought by unionists to the draft pension law, party vice-president Ioan Oltean said Friday, adding the law was drafted quickly and under pressure and could use improvement.

Budget Amendments Entailing Additional Budget Expenses Won’t Pass – Romanian Fin Min

Romania’s Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu said Friday he held no talks on adopting any amendments to the state budget, adding he believes amendments that entail additional budget expenses will not pass.

Romanian Lawmakers Submit Unitary Pay Law Amendments To Govt

Several amendments to the unitary pay law, submitted to the Romanian Government on Saturday, target to hike wage quotients for lawmakers and parliamentary advisers, eliminate restrictions on filling vacancies, by cumulating positions, introduce the management indemnity in the basic wage and pay overtime.

Romanian Govt To Meet, Discuss Law Pack Amendments Sunday

The Romanian Government will hold a meeting Sunday to discuss the amendments proposed to the laws for which the it plans to take responsibility in Parliament, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Wednesday.

Romanian Govt To Consider All Relevant Education Law Amendments – PM

Romania’s Prime Minister Emil Boc said Wednesday the Government will take into account the amendments brought by lawmakers to the education laws, if these amendments are in line with the National Pact on Education, the governing program and the existing budget resources.

Romania Readies New Amendments To Public Procurement Law – Sources

Romanian government will draw up new amendments to the public procurement law, including higher fines for annulling illegal contract assignments and reduced stamp tax, or possibly no tax at all, for companies that challenge auction proceedings, people close to the matter said Sunday.

Romanian Tourism, Real Estate Firms To Be Taxed 0.5% Of Income Annually

Romanian hotels, restaurants and real estate firms will pay 0.5% of their income annually to the state, as tax per profit, but will not pay less than 6,500 lei (EUR1=RON4.2198), ministry sources told MEDIAFAX Friday.

Civil Code Sub-Committee Bans Homosexual Couples From Adopting Kids

The Romanian MPs in the Civil Code sub-committee decided Wednesday that two people of the same sex cannot adopt a child, and adoption can only be performed by a couple formed of a man and a woman.

Romania Integrity Agency Eyes Amendments To Wealth Statement Regulations

Romania’s National Integrity Agency (ANI), an institution checking the correctness of wealth statements submitted by dignitaries, plans to urge amendments to the law regulating the agency’s activity to eliminate the EUR5,000 threshold from wealth statements, ANI head Catalin Macovei said Monday.

Romania’s Audiovisual Watchdog, Culture Min To Amend Audiovisual Law

Romania’s audiovisual watchdog CNA and the Ministry of Culture are working on a draft law amending the audiovisual law so that the law will be in agreement with the new audiovisual directive - Audiovisual Media Services Directive, the ministry’s secretary general Virgil Nitulescu told MEDIAFAX.